segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2008


Desta vez à POP-ROCK CANDY MONTAIN... sorry in english MOTÖRHEAD – nova entrevista de Lemmy If there is one figure in modern music that needs no introduction, that person is Lemmy. His band Motorhead is one of the most influential rock bands of the past 30 years. Lemmy is also a name brand, with everything from an action figure to Marshall Amps bearing his likeness or the band’s name. With a new album due out late summer, Motorhead will be hitting the road in August with Judas Priest and Heaven and Hell on the Metal Masters Tour. Pop-Rock Candy Mountain recently spoke with the “the nation’s greatest living Englishman” (as named by the U.K.’s Guardian newspaper) about the new album and tour. Pop-Rock Candy Mountain (PRCM): How’s the new album coming? LEMMY: We have all of the tracks done. It’s just vocals and guitars now, really. PRCM: With this being your 20th album, was it a challenge to find inspiration? How did you keep it fresh? LEMMY: Not really, we just do what we always do. We’ve got it down to a fine art now, you know? We know how to do that now. PRCM: You recorded parts of the album at Dave Grohl’s studio? LEMMY: Just the drums were done up there. The rest of we did in L.A. PRCM: Who produced it? LEMMY: Cameron Webb. The same as who did the last two. PRCM: Are you looking forward to the tour with Judas Priest? LEMMY: Yeah, but we’ve got festivals to do in Europe first. So, I’m just looking at those at the moment. Yeah, we’re going out with Judas Priest in August. PRCM: Do you still enjoy playing the festival shows in Europe? LEMMY: Yeah. It’s a big event. There’s not just one band. PRCM: You recently taped an appearance on “Californication.” Did you enjoy that? LEMMY: Well, I’ve never seen the show myself (laughs). So, someone asked and I said “yeah.” (laughs) I don’t know what the fuck it is. I just said a couple of things. PRCM: I was heard that a show on HBO is interested in you. LEMMY: Oh, I don’t know anything about that (laughs). PRCM: Do you feel that Motorhead may be more popular now than ever? LEMMY: That’s weird, isn’t it? I think it’s dreadful (laughs). PRCM: Motorhead has become a brand name over the past few years. How do you choose what you are going to lend your name to? LEMMY: Yeah. There’s a lot of shit coming out. There’s a lot of shit, so you have to be careful what has your name on it ’cause it’s going to be there forever. PRCM: At this point in your career, do you still enjoy touring? LEMMY: Absolutely, yeah. Your’e really going to have trouble if you don’t in this game — if you don’t, it’s death. PRCM: How do you feel about the petition going around the UK to knight you? LEMMY: (laughs) That’s fucking stupid. It’s never going to happen. It’s silly, you know? It was just a slow news day.

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